Physical Exams

Physical Exams From peakMEDIQ

At peakMEDIQ, we pride ourselves on providing top-quality, comprehensive physical examinations, specifically designed to meet the requirements for the Department of Transportation (DOT) and pre-employment purposes. Our expert team of healthcare professionals is dedicated to ensuring that each patient receives a thorough and accurate evaluation, while also ensuring a comfortable and efficient experience.

Physical Exams

DOT Physicals:

As a certified provider of DOT physical examinations, peakMEDIQ adheres to the guidelines established by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). These examinations are mandatory for individuals operating commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) to ensure they are physically and mentally fit to perform their job responsibilities. Our detailed DOT physical process includes:

Medical History Review

The health care provider will review your medical history, including any past surgeries, medications, and existing medical conditions.

Vision and Hearing Tests

The DOT physical requires specific standards for vision and hearing capabilities to guarantee safe operation of CMVs.

Blood Pressure and Pulse Measurement

This step evaluates your cardiovascular health, ensuring you meet the standards for operating a commercial vehicle.


A routine urinalysis tests for conditions such as diabetes and drug use.

Physical Examination

Our certified medical examiner will perform a comprehensive physical examination, checking for any conditions that may affect your ability to safely operate a commercial vehicle.

Certificate Issuance

If you pass the DOT physical, our examiner will issue a Medical Examiner’s Certificate (MEC), which is valid for up to 24 months.

Basic Pre-Employment Physicals:

Our pre-employment physicals are designed to assess a candidate’s overall health and fitness for a specific job. These examinations help employers ensure a safe and productive work environment. The basic pre-employment physical process at PeakMEDIQ includes:

Physical Examination

A comprehensive physical examination will be performed to evaluate your overall health, including vital signs, cardiovascular health, musculoskeletal system, and neurological function.

Vision and Hearing Tests

We conduct standard vision and hearing tests to ensure you meet the requirements for your specific job.

Drug and Alcohol Testing (if required)

Depending on the employer’s requirements, drug and alcohol testing may be included as part of the pre-employment physical.

Immunization Review

In some cases, immunization records may be reviewed to ensure compliance with workplace health and safety requirements.

Additional Tests

Depending on the job requirements, additional tests such as respiratory function tests or a chest x-ray may be included.

At PeakMEDIQ, our commitment to providing thorough, accurate, and efficient physical examinations ensures that both employers and employees can have confidence in the health and safety of their workforce. With our comprehensive DOT and pre-employment physicals, you can trust that you’re in capable hands. To schedule an appointment or learn more about our services, please contact us today.